Sprung hits double figures in 2009. Albany's friendly festival for readers and writers was first held in 2000, featuring authors Estelle Blackburn and Chris McLeod. Since then Sprung has presented Tim Winton, Robert Drewe, John Marsden, Alvin Pang, Tobsha Learner and many more. In this tenth festival, Sprung is proud to host David Malouf, the internationally awarded author of Remembering Babylon, The Great World and The Complete Stories. David will be joined by Anita Heiss, Shelley Gare, Antonio Buti and Maggie Beer, and Chris McLeod will return to Sprung in a reprise of the first festival. The full Sprung program will be available in the middle of the year. Watch out for details of the pre-Sprung Big Book Club and keep Saturday September 19 free for the legendary Poetry Pub Crawl.
Journalist who works in the news and information industry. His creative nonfiction book, The Last Whale, was published by Fremantle Press in October 2008.